Innovative, automatable soil imaging techniques to determine key belowground parameters in real time at plot to landscape scale
Partners: BOKU (Lead), UPorto, S4ML

The UC will deliver an innovative approach for the in situ quantification of soil physico-chemical and root properties, which are often missing in agricultural and ecological applications or surveyed at coarse resolutions.
It will utilize portable, high-performance near infrared (NIR) instruments, increasingly established as a rapid and cost-efficient laboratory technique, taking the technique from the laboratory to the field for fast, automatable on-site surveys of key soil parameters such as soil organic carbon (Figure X). Specifically, the UC will:

- Determine dependency of calibrations (on ground truthing data) on soil type, texture, moisture & rooting densities.
- Develop analysis pipelines and a User Interface for use in RI.
- Relate surface measured by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and deep soil C pattern for upscaling soluble organic compounds (SOC) at landscape levels and define sampling strategies (probe insertion, and ground truthing) for heterogeneous landscapes.
- Link ex situ soil spectral libraries to in situ spectra.
- Develop ontology, data format, (European) ex situ spectral library.
- Train-the-trainer courses for a wide adoption of the techniques.
Expected results and services
- Spectral probe application in European agroecosystems.
- Application of new root probe for breeding climate-smart crops.
- Landscape-scale, deep soil C mapping.
- Method publication on relation between in situ / ex situ soil spectra.
- Method and data publication on new ex situ soil spectral library.
- Co-creation of ready-to-use soil spectroscopy and root imaging module, ready for robotic automation.
- New, FAIR ex-situ soil spectral library to be used by multiple stakeholders.
- User interface for RI + stakeholders to operate, re-train (models of) the soil and root probe device; RIs include new services in their catalogue.
- User interface and model to select effective sampling designs for landscape wide C mapping.
- 4ML leverages on the project to develop, provide new services to customers.
Last Modified: 21.05.2024